
License Summary

Target of Use

If the subject of issuance of the permit is a corporation or private business with more than 30 regular workers, this permit will be invalidated.

The term "regular worker" means a worker who belongs to a workplace and works at least eight hours a day, a worker registered with four major insurances, or a worker equivalent thereto.

Use for Online Video Platform

After issuing the permit, you can upload the song by including it in your account on video platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok without a limitation on the number of times.

Videos cannot be uploaded to the Platform with an account other than the account in the User's name.

Used in Outsourcing Results

Through the video content supply contract, the sound source can be included in the video results to be handed over to the contract target.

Results can be uploaded to online video platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Deliverables cannot be used for offline stores, exhibitions, or performances managed by the recipient.

The subject supplied with the deliverable must not deform and modify the video including the sound source.

Use it to Stream Videos

You can use the sound source for streaming using users' accounts on video platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok without a limit on the number of times after issuing the permit.

After you have finished streaming, the platform (ex. YouTube) to upload videos.

It is not available for streaming where the sound source is the mainstay

Use as background music for website

You can use it as your site's background music.

Use for games, apps, and software

It can be used for application software such as games and apps produced by users without a limit on the number of times after issuing the license.

However, it cannot be used for software that redistributes sound sources, such as video editing apps and camera apps Contact us separately

Off-line Use

Music cannot be played in the store.

Music is not available for performances and exhibitions.

Music cannot be used in products with built-in speakers intended for sale, regardless of whether the software is installed on the device or not.

Use as Background Music on Websites

Can be used as background music on websites managed by the purchasing entity.

Use in Movies

You can make a sound source in the movie you're making.

You can release a movie.

User for TV, Radio

Not available for terrestrial, IPTV, radio, or OTT. You can make additional inquiries

Permanent Music license

Version 2.4.1

Article 1 Purpose

The purpose of this MEWPOT Free Sound Source License (hereinafter referred to as the "License") is to stipulate the non-exclusive rights to use the sound source between MEWPOT Corp. (hereinafter referred to as “Rightholder”) and the copyright user (the "User").

Article 2 Definitions

(1) The definitions of the terms used in this License are as follows:

1. The term MEWPOT Homepage means wired and wireless internet music services provided by the Rightholder (including web, mobile web and app services).

2. "Video online platform" means an online platform that can upload videos such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Naver TV, and Kakao TV.

3. The term "permission period" means the period during which the right holder can use the sound source.

4. The term Edited Video means a video containing the target work.

5. "Software" means the application software that runs on the operating system.

6. The term "regular worker" means a worker who belongs to a workplace and works at least eight hours a day, a worker registered with four major insurances, or a worker equivalent thereto.

Article 3 Responsibilities of the User

(1) The user must not be a corporation or an individual business entity that has hired more than 30 regular workers at the time the permit is issued. If this provision is not observed, the permission to use the subject work will be automatically revoked.

Article 4 Scope of Permission to Use of Works

(1) The User may not use the target work in a commercial manner in any way other than to monetize the number of views. The following are examples of where the use of the Covered Work is permitted, but is no longer restricted:

1. In the case of generating revenue from views by uploading and transmitting a video containing the target work on the video platform (YouTube).

2. In the case of transmitting a non-profit video containing the target work on Instagram and Facebook.

3. In the case of sharing content using YouTube, Naver blog purging function, or iframe.

4. In the case that you use donation as the background music during your Twitch broadcast.

(2) Prior to the end of the license period, the right to use the edited works registered on the online platform of the video pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article will continue even after the license period ends.

(3) During the license period, users can stream the approved sound source along with the video to the video online platform under their name. However, it is not allowed to send the target work in a streaming manner that does not include the video.

(4) The User can send software containing the function of performing the target work during the license period.

1. The user may transmit the software completed pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article even after the end of the license period. However, the software cannot be modified and transmitted after the license period.

2. The finished software cannot redistribute the target work

(5) Users can perform the target works through the Internet website they manage during the license period.

(6) Users are not allowed to perform the target work in the space managed by themselves during the permission period.

(7) The User can include the target work in the video supplied through the video content supply contract during the license period.

1. The supplied video can be registered on the video online platform and used for transmission to an unspecified number of people.

2. The target work cannot be performed along with the video in a place managed by the person who received the video through the contract.

3. The person who receives the video through the contract can broadcast the target work on media such as TV and radio.

(8) The User can include the grand prize work in the films they produce during the license period. You can perform a released movie.

(8) Movies already released pursuant to paragraph 9 of this Article may be performed even after the license period is over. However, the released movie cannot be performed after remake after the license period.

(9) You do not have to display the copyright holder's 'name' for the work that was used during the license period.

(10) The target work cannot be broadcast on terrestrial, IPTV, satellite, or radio media

(11) The User can perform targeted works through up to 100 devices manufactured and sold by users.

Article 5 Removal of Videos Containing Works

(1) In the case that Edited Video includes excessive sensationalism, violence, etc. or may violate the customs, the Rightholder may immediately restrict the use of the sound source without notice.

(2) It is not possible to arbitrarily edit and recreate a work other than cropping the sound source and changing the speed of the sound source. The following are examples of prohibited in this regard, and are no longer restricted:

1. In the case of releasing a song with lyrics attached to the song;

2. In the case that a new instrument is added to the sound source; and

3. In the case of claiming copyright after changing the sound source.

Article 6 Restriction of the Form of Transfer of Works

(1) The User cannot send or duplicate works to third parties in a reusable form. The following example prohibits the use of the target work:

1. The User shall not transmit the form of a digital voice file containing the target work alone outside the homepage of the MEWPOT.

2. The User may not publicly transmit or reproduce the work to a third party for any purpose not specified in this License.

3. If you upload the mp3 file of the target work to the p2p torrent site and replicate it

(2) The User shall not transmit, receive, or reproduce works to or from third parties in a manner not prescribed in this Permit.

Article 7 Permission period

(1) The period of permission for use of the subject work shall be indefinitely, starting from the date of issuance of the permit and without an end date.

(2) The contract between the company that issued the permit and the individual, organization, and corporation ('right holder, etc.), the contents of the individual contract, and the 'right holder, etc.' request may inevitably change the contents of the work afterwards. The company may change the type of devices supported by the contents of the license, the number of devices available for each member, etc. upon request from the "right holder, etc." In such cases, the company issuing the permit notifies the Permit Holder 30 days in advance.