Q. Notice | Changes on the number of registrations of channel per platform on enterprise and above membership (2023-04-21)


관리자 | 2023-04-21

Effective June 1st, 2023, the registration limit per platform channel for Enterprise or higher membership (for businesses with over 30 permanent employees) provided by Mewpot will be changed to 10.


  • Applicable Memberships: Enterprise Membership (Font), Enterprise Plus Membership (Font)
  • Previous registration limit per platform channel: Unlimited
  • New registration limit per platform channel: 10
  • Effective date for new customers: June 1st, 2023
  • Effective date for existing customers: Next membership renewal date

New customers who subscribe to Enterprise or higher membership after the effective date of June 1st, 2023, will be able to register up to 10 platforms per channel. If additional registrations are desired, please contact customer service.

Existing customers who are currently subscribed to Enterprise or higher membership will have their platform registration limit reduced to 10 per channel based on their next membership renewal date. If there are more than 10 platform registrations per channel, the top registered platforms will be removed sequentially. If you wish to maintain more than 10 platform registrations, please contact customer service.

Example of platform registrations after the policy change:

Customer A:

  • 7 YouTube channels registered
  • 3 Instagram channels registered
  • 5 Facebook channels registered
    → Can be used

Customer B:

  • 10 YouTube channels registered
    → Can be used

Customer C:

  • 11 YouTube channels registered
  • 4 Instagram channels registered
  • 2 game applications registered
    → Cannot be used (reason: exceeding 10 YouTube channels)

You can check the updated policy on the license page after June 1st, 2023. Aside from changes to the platform registration limit per channel, Mewpot's service and license will remain unchanged and available for use. Thank you for always trusting and using Mewpot.

Thank you.